Hi, I have the Mimas V2 and the AD9283 expansion module. I hooked them up to the two left most ports (P6 and P7) on the Mimas and proceeded to clock in the offset binary data according to the manuals, however I didn't get it to work. Playing around I found that if I invert the pin assignments as reported in the AD9283 manual it works as expected. Comment? Code: --Input register for the ADC data register8: reg8 port map( reg_in => IO_P7, LD => '1', CLK => clk_12mhz, reg_out => input_number ); --Light up the appropriate segment sevensegmentenable <= selected_seg; --Hook up bcd decoder to segments sevensegment <= ss_out; --Enable the clock divider enable <= '1'; --Hook up the LEDs to the raw ADC output LED <= input_number; --ADC encode input (Pin3 according to manual but P6(4) is Pin4 in the .ucf) IO_P6(4) <= clk_12mhz; --ADC pwrdwn signal (Pin4 according to manual but P6(5) is Pin3 in the .ucf) IO_P6(5) <= DIP_1; --Set the rest to LO as they're NC. IO_P6(7 downto 6) <= "00"; IO_P6(3 downto 0) <= "0000";
Hello Kazam, I have to run this through our engineers. I'll post updates in next couple of days. Thanks, Tom Numato Lab